Related to our PDs on Close Reading, Turner's Graph of the Week is a great website for teaching graph-reading, which is a kind of literacy just like reading words.
Check it out and use it as needed for openers, special lessons, or topical tie-ins. Its a great way to teach reading in any course. Graphs relate to math, science, social studies, languages, and encore subjects. Related Posts: For more specific lesson ideas and plans, check out the Lesson Ideas page.
Sometimes I get bogged down with what's going wrong in the larger ed reform world. During those times it's helpful to focus on what we have the power to change immediately as we continue to advocate for those changes others need to help us create. Math teacher Justin Aion started this hashtag on Twitter and I ran with it enthusiastically (there's no other way I run) Many of the ideas I shared in the #ThingsTeachersCanChange list are directly inspired by YOU-things you've told me, things I've seen you do, things we've discussed together that matter in ed. If you or your students are feeling demoralized and need a bit of a pick me up, click the image to read the hashtag ideas, and also please add your own ideas! (If you need to make a Twitter account, contact me and I will walk you through it.) These are things you can change right now and you may like them. I'll be out of town on Saturday, but this is my way of helping the cause, using somethign I know how to do Hovercraft, anyone? This 1 minute video only scratches the surface of how we use Digital Learning everyday in our rooms. I've basically been filling up my storage every time I head out of the office because I run across something film-worthy each step I take down the halls of Piedmont! For more photos, videos, and information, check out the Digital Learning Day Post , the 21st Century Piedmont Wiki Page or my Twitter media feed. (The video was made for a Digital Learning Day contest on Edmodo. Thanks to Ms. Newburger for finding and spearheading and directing this video contest effort.) Wow! What a day! The biggest thing I learned from this day is that there is so much amazingness happening in all the classrooms on any given day, you can't tweet it all. Here are just a few highlights:
Huge- Courtesy of Mr. Hampton on Edmodo who writes: "An interactive graph of the mathematics CCSS. It's best viewed at 50-70% with a PDF viewer" |
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AuthorLisa Gurthie is the PD facilitator at Piedmont IB Middle School. She specializes in tech and arts integration, interdisciplinary holistic education, and unschooling school to reconnect academia to real life. One day she will modernize her "about" page. She curates this blog for the professional development convenience of the teachers at Piedmont, but the editorial comments are her own. Categories
February 2018