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Latest Piedmont PD News includes info on National Board Certification, Discovery Place's professional development offerings for teachers, new quick PD's on handy efficient tech tricks to save you time and storage space: like the quickest way to upload to Google Docs, how to convert and embed a powerpoint, How to make a QR CODE ,chromebook and computer troubleshooting info, etc Other Ed News from Around the Web:
Big Philosophical idea of the week:
When you've finished our summer reading book, I've had a crazy amount of tabs open on my computer of things I've been meaning to share this summer. Here they are: Summer Roundup of Great Links to check out: (volume 1)The 1st three headings below are ISTE-found links from my fellow PD Facilitator, Nicole Cathey. She attended the international superstar of ed tech conferences, and shared these off the top of her head when I asked her about the most useful takeaways of ISTE:
ISTE 2014 Session Notes: Attendees at ISTE shared their notes for you and placed links on this google doc. Scroll through it and click on the topics that interest you to read that attendee's session notes! Great way to share! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s_3d2sbkFbhD2P5D7Ap54YaywfI6qF26tt9QXiE7qH8/edit#gid=0 "21 Things" Sites: If you go no farther this is a fun site to poke around 21Things for Teachers. They also have a "21 Things" site for administrators and for your students! Adaptive Learning: An algorythmically adapted personalized learning geared toward test prep site, called adaptive learning from Knewton. The site is connected to microsoft and Pearson. A lot of the info I found while researching is written from a business end (covered by Forbes and the economist) and higher ed stuff like their GMAT review course and there weren't a lot of teacher written reviews that my google was finding but this is an older review of the site as well as grockit-which sounds interesting http://www.hackeducation.com/2011/10/17/big-bucks-for-adaptive-learning-platforms/ Now here are a few links I've been holding that others have shared on Twitter: Teaching Students to Ask the Right Questions: I personally think nothing you can teach is more important than this for students' futures: http://rightquestion.org/education/ Another fantastic article about the importance of questioning as an oft-overlooked skill http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2014/03/why-its-imperative-to-teach-students-how-to-question-as-the-ultimate-survival-skill/ Making and Creating Resources: Being a maker teacher is about interest in students creating, not just regurgitating. You do NOT need techy skills or enginnering skills yourself, just a mindset to let students create and build and design. 4 Steps to Becoming a Maker Teacher http://gettingsmart.com/2014/05/4-steps-becoming-maker-teacher 7 Tenents of Creative Thinking http://www.edutopia.org/blog/7-tenets-of-creative-thinking-michael-michalko PBL Clearinghouse This weebly site is a great clearinghouse for all things PBL (project based learning) - it takes you from step 1 what is that? as far as you want to go. http://learnpbl.weebly.com/ If want to learn about PBL for free, you can pick a project you'd like your students to try and a class here at PBL university- some classes are full already but you can still get ideas and learn more about the projects, PBLU LAST BUT NOT LEAST>>> Design Thinking! Along the lines of Making, Design Thinking is really taking off so here is some info on that in the classroom. How to Apply Design Thinking in Your Class - Step By Step http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/06/how-to-use-design-thinking-in-class-step-by-step/ I love KQED Mindshift, so here is everything tagged design thinking on that site http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/tag/design-thinking/ Links worth checking out and/or Passing on: Personalized Learning Myths- Stop The False Generalizations About Personalized Learning http://onforb.es/1nREQiN Digital Citizenship- https://magic.piktochart.com/output/1328944-nycdoe_create-the-digital-image- If you don't have time tomorrow to talk to your students about their digital footprints (in preparation for summer), you can post this to your summer reading site or just teach it next year. Links at the bottom go to other Digital Citizenship topics like cyberbulling Deeper Thinking- Every time we review for standardized testing we reinforce the one correct answer shallow thinking model. This is necessary for some tasks but not all and not worth the weight we give it in education. Not sure what that means as long as we judge students, teachers and schools based on standardized scores but I do know that once the child leaves academia, it will be of little use to him or her. pic.twitter.com/b8uYjwxLAj Resources for inquiry lessons (PBL) -
Using Urban Resources for Education (Museums, Libraries, etc)
"In 10 years, I’m hoping our cities are our classrooms." - Amy Eshleman http://t.co/PVAEFcHhfS - (I didn't listen to the podcast but reading the link alone is a good idea) This experiential learning model and reminds me of Piedmont's walking field trips: ![]() These two links below speak to the importance of a movement in ed that I am a big fan of: maker movement /genius hour /classroom as laboratory or studo. Both of these links talk about how important it is to let kids run with their hare-brained schemes. I am all for teachers whose gift it is to provide security and structure. However, back in the day that was considered the ONLY way to teach. I am certain that what public school's greatest gift to children, especially poor children, can be is NOT militaristic structure but a workshop and dream making space that they do not get at home but rich children (or bohemian artists' children, or the hyper-educated's children) do-or at least their parents ship them off to camp for once a year- if they are not like the moms in these stories who open their homes to chaos with a smile Upshot for teachers - if you can be patient and let the learning be messy kids can achieve their dreams http://makezine.com/2013/07/29/maker-supportive-parenting/ http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo |
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AuthorLisa Gurthie is the PD facilitator at Piedmont IB Middle School. She specializes in tech and arts integration, interdisciplinary holistic education, and unschooling school to reconnect academia to real life. One day she will modernize her "about" page. She curates this blog for the professional development convenience of the teachers at Piedmont, but the editorial comments are her own. Categories
February 2018