This is the companion post to inspired by the same Skillful Teaching training. What I loved about teaching sociology is how it made previously invisible inner-workings of society visible to my students and the numerous a-ha moments that arose from that. If you haven't lived abroad, grown up in a non-majority culture, or been a serious student of sociology or cultural psychology, you may also find some a-ha moments. Because of that background, and what I learned as a teacher of non-western history, African-American Studies and as a teacher at Turning Point Academy, I only beginning to approach cultural proficiency. I am still learning, but learning enough to shudder at the things I did as a well-meaning but culturally not-proficient early teacher 20 something years ago and even up to a few years ago. Maybe even now. Here are a few things I've learned:
Our own Ronny Reddig was named one of the Top 10 Culturally Responsive Teachers in the nation by Teaching Tolerance magazine. Watch him work his magic here in this video.
In honor of Brain Awareness Week which starts today ( according to ) here is what I know it's a psych teacher about the brain and our minds that should help every teacher and student.
Growth mindset Neuroplasticity/ Neurogenesis resources:
I wrote about teaching growth mindset after my the first training. This link includes the great Ron Berger Austin's butterfly lesson: a fabulous concrete example of engagement, growth mindset, etc: Here is a psych award-winning rap that might make your student groan, but still very useful for all kids and I tell them to write a better one if they hate the song More Great resources: Plenty of stuff your kids will love about neurogenesis: Speaking of children, workshop participant Katherine Bird shared this link that she says will be good for upper elementary and middle students to explain how the brain is plastic. Songs about neurons- sounds childish but AP psych uses some of this: Spea Attribution Theory and Biases Understanding the psych term "Fundamental Attribution Error can help our students develop growth mindset, but importantly, it can also help us as teachers recognize when we might be judging a student unfairly: All of us are biased and our intuition fails us when we try to see them (even after studying them) Cognitive biases Resources
Implicit assumptions: Harvard's Implicit Associations Test - student or teacher needs privacy to take this! Make sure they know it is confidential and allow to take at home A few more useful terms from pscyh to help teachers teach better:
News of the Week:![]() New look for this site! All pages are the same, the look is different. To navigate, click on the three horizontal lines at the top left to see the other page choices. Updates this week include: Today is Digital Learning Day at Piedmont. We will celebrate with our annual DigiDine Lunch but have some special surprises, including an Everyone Matters Day Challenge Selfie booth complete with IB learner profile #Iam statements for the selfies) and PiDay QR codes to a TedED video of Pi (thanks for the reminder, Mrs. Delery!) Our "Celebrating Piedmont" page Yes, we do sit at desk sometimes (like to have deep discussions in Socratic seminar or to research with our one to one tech). But this week we saw plenty of active STEAM-infused maker activities across the curriculum like:
Something for your students- The StudentSpace section of this website not only has info about the DLDay Selfies but also information about the items in our Media Center Makerspace Ms. Barone's IB self study blendspace plus notes from the NC Tech conference (courtesy of Ms. Lyttle) and news from the NC Gifted Conference (courtesy of Mr. Milligan, Burick, Fatzinger and Gurthie) are here Links of the week: Free Readings Database: Central Text Anthology -
Curated by Teaching Tolerance, materials in this collection "encourage students to question common understandings, consider multiple viewpoints, analyze and critique power relationships, and act to change unfair and unequal conditions. Use this anthology with the larger Perspectives Curriculum to "Build Literacy-Based, Anti-Bias Learning Plans in 3 EASY STEPS
Playtime isn't just for preschoolers, teenagers need it, too Giving students occasions to learn through play not only fosters creative thinking, problem solving, independence, and perseverance, but also addresses teenagers’ developmental needs for greater independence and ownership in their learning, opportunities for physical activity and creative expression, and the ability to demonstrate competence.
Research: Active Learning More Important than Flipping the Classroom "Whether instructors flip their classrooms or not, the key to improving learning outcomes is to involve students actively in the learning process, constructing their own knowledge rather than just passively listening to lectures."If you're not using a model with active learning already, then the flipped classroom is certainly a viable alternative," said Tyler Kummer, one of the authors of the study, in a prepared statement. "But if you are, you're already going to be seeing the learning advantages in your course." full study at Students Choose from 2 #DLDay offerings![]() Since 3.14.15 is "Pi Day of the century" Piedmont's Digital Learning Day Digi-dine Lunch theme this year is "Pi and DIY"! Students will also take part in the multilingual multicultural selfie challenge. Read on for more about each of the Digital Learning Day activity choices. "Everyone Matters" selfie Challenge![]() Piedmont is connecting Digital Learning Day to "Everyone Matters Day" by letting the students practice digital citizenship to create a positive digital footprint by participating in the #IAM Selfie campaign. We will have an Everyone Matters #IAM selfie booth set up in Piedmont's cafeteria. Students who have their signed CMS photo permission slip can take a selfie with a cutom-made or ready-made sign (example #Iam a maker!). Thanks to Ms. Hogan Hamer, the signs are available in multiple languages! Ms. Gurthie will use the selfies posted to social media that day in a collage and video for the official Everyone Matters Day on April 2nd. This project uses social media to affirm the individual, create a positive digital footprint, and celebrate the diversity of our own community just as our Piedmont IB Community and Service students have done already for Malawi via the #Piedmontwalkfored campaign. "Pi and DIY" Digi-DiNE![]() Students can increase their own knowledge in of the DIY offerings at Piedmont's DIY and Pi DigiDine. The lunch is an annual Digital Learning Day tradition at Piedmont. Now it its third year, this year's theme is "Pi and DIY" because the QR codes posted at lunch tables and around the cafeteria will link to Pi Day and DIY maker activities from sewing to snap circuits, calligraphy to cad for 3D printing. Students can use their BYOT devices to lunch and learn. Interested students can take it a step further and earn patches at for the skills they develop in our makerspace, in class or at home. Related Posts:
Big Hero 6 and the Maker Movement For Students: Everyone Matters Day: Make Something: DIY and Passion-Based Learning: Piedmont Makerspace offerings: For Teachers: Everyone Matters Lesson Plans: Introducing Maker Project to Students: Starting a MakerSpace at Your School: Sharp is offering a contest for $100,000 to support a school’s technology needs such as interactive whiteboards. The attached application is short How would your school integrate Sharp technology such as interactive whiteboards, professional display monitors and document systems (multifunctional copiers) to improve your students’ educational experience? (Answer must be 500 words or less) How would your students benefit by this award? (Answer must be 250 words or less) What technology do you presently have at your school? (Answer must be 250 words or less). ![]()
Search This Site:Search this site: Use a Google search, type the words you are looking for and append the phrase "piedmontpd.weebly" to the search.
AuthorLisa Gurthie is the PD facilitator at Piedmont IB Middle School. She specializes in tech and arts integration, interdisciplinary holistic education, and unschooling school to reconnect academia to real life. One day she will modernize her "about" page. She curates this blog for the professional development convenience of the teachers at Piedmont, but the editorial comments are her own. Categories
February 2018