Huey Newton and the Black Panthers, The Black Panther Movie, and Global Africana From a series inspired by curious educational objects in my office.
Want to know more about the real-life connections in The Black Panther movie? Explore the links below. More to Learn:
Now Your Turn:
rotary pHones and Telephone tEch
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The brain in a jar in my office is not real. It's an expanding plastic brain in water was given to me by my psychology student Erika because brains fascinate me. I even used to carry a chicken brain around in a medicine vial, but you have to ask me about that story in person. Erika went on to college at Gardner Webb and is now a practicing psychologist helping others through trauma. More to Learn:
This was painted by my student Rosa when she was a senior at Rocky River High School. It a meal at is her grandmother’s house in Mexico. Rosa went on to college at UNCG and is now a businesswoman. More to Learn :
What You See: Physics Puzzlers and Toys -
Bladeless fan, sand timer, reverse sand timer, woodpecker, lava lamp... these all exploit the fascinating and sometimes counterintuitive properties of a branch of science called physics. Why does that woodpecker bounce his way slowly down the pole? How does the sand in that hourglass flow upward? The answer, my friend, is science! More to Learn:
What You See: 3D -Printed Photograph- Hold it up to the light. The 3D printer added extra layers for dark portions of the photo, lighter layers for the light.
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What You see: Tech Graveyard - I have a lot of tech and design items in my office including a box of electronic items that have broken. If your parents won't let you take apart your computer at home, you can use my old stuff. More to Learn:
The ball is not filled with air. It is filled with noble gases. Nikola Tesla invented the plasma ball.
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![]() What You See: Clapper As you know I make a lot of videos, but the clapper is just for show. More to Learn: Now Your Turn: Record a podcast (Citizen Science!) i Record it using vocaroo on your chromebook. Share link plus your name, recording location, and “30-45 recorded seconds of your environment, preferably outside, anywhere (and everywhere)” with Ms. Gurthie she will and email to “exploreastory(at), with the subject line "OK to share- EAS."ExploreAStory is a podcast about museums, science and storytelling. Learn From Videos Explore these educational Video Channels. Find one you like and watch any 5 full episodes. Then use Screencastify or your phone camera to make a video telling what you learned. Quirkology CGPGrey Thinkr Alex Dainis (BiteScized) ViHart MinutePhysics Crash Course Kids Veritasium Sciencium Scishow SciShow Kids SciShowSpace SciShow Psych It’s OK to be Smart Minute Earth Kurzgesagt In a Nutshell The Channel Trailer Best of Field Museum of Natural History behind the scenes (specimen prep etc) Playlist organized by Organism (organismized) There’s also Vsauce, ASAP science, Minute Physics, Crash Course - tons of subtopics (some PG13) The list goes on and on. Once you start watching more of those you will find others that are educational and also fun and entertaining.
This month we are focusing on being IB "Communicators" and in order to do that, we can communicate with the whole world via this hashtag project. Read below for directions:
Who is the teacher at Piedmont who you'd like to thank?
#PiedmontIB would like to take part in the #IB50 50th anniversary of the IB. To participate, write a short shout out about that teacher and send it to Ms. Gurthie (verbally in the media center, on a piece of paper, by email, via your teacher, or share a google doc) Ms. Gurthie will tweet it to the IBO and it will be featured. |
November 2019
AuthorThis is Ms. Gurthie's place for students at Piedmont and elsewhere to find resources to fuel their passions. Besides making fun lesson ideas for teachers, I wanted this space to provide PD for students too! Categories