UPDATE: Our video is now in HD!
On March 13th at Piedmont. As part of Digital Learning Day, we will have a Selfie Booth and supplies set up in the cafeteria so everyone with signed video permissons can particpate in the Everyone Matters challenge this together! Or use the instructions below to post from home on your favorite social media site with parent permission.
Make sure to share it with Ms. Gurthie on Google Drive (lisaa.gurthie@cms...) or tag Ms. Gurthie in it (@earthiegurthie on Instagram and @lisgurthie on Twitter) if you'd like it included in the #IAMPiedmont video and mosaic collage before March 30th. We want to have the website and video ready by April 2nd- for the international Everyone Matters Day celebration
Here are some famous people's #IAM selfies:
November 2019
AuthorThis is Ms. Gurthie's place for students at Piedmont and elsewhere to find resources to fuel their passions. Besides making fun lesson ideas for teachers, I wanted this space to provide PD for students too! Categories