Odyssey of the Mind is a fun global creativity competition that teaches imaginative paths to problem-solving.
The creative problem-solving process rewards thinking "outside of the box." The main rule of OM, is "IF it doesn't say you can't, that means you CAN!"Piedmont has fielded award winning teams in the past and are bringing back this competition in the 2013-2014 school year.WE WANT YOU TO:
Each year, five new competitive problems are presented for the teams to solve. These long-term problems are solved over weeks and months. Some of the problems are more technical in nature, while others are artistic or performance based. Each long-term problem rewards "Style" in the solution.-Students should not simply try to solve problems but take the next step of enhancing their solutions. The teams are invited to participate in competition and present their solution with other teams. At the competition, the teams are given an on-the-spot "spontaneous" problem to solve. The combination of long-term problem-solving, Style, and spontaneous problem-solving produces a confident, able student. In Odyssey of the Mind . . .
More info from the source of this - www.odysseyofthemind.com
November 2019
AuthorThis is Ms. Gurthie's place for students at Piedmont and elsewhere to find resources to fuel their passions. Besides making fun lesson ideas for teachers, I wanted this space to provide PD for students too! Categories