Your video must have the requirement set out by your teacher. For Mr. Egnot and Ms. Thornburg, the video must include historical footage (you can use YouTube to find clips) plus your own footage plus voice overs where you describe the importance of the footage you've chosen)These specific instructions and hacks are from the 7th grade assignment but might help others:
To make your Individuals and Societies documentary, you must have:
Documentary Steps:
WeVideo is a free app on your Chromebook. Today we'll learn how to use it to make a short videoIf you need more information, click tutorials and developer support for WeVideo Login to Chromebook with your school Google Account Open the WeVideo app icon or go to the WeVideo url Sign up or Log In using your Google account (that's the same account you use to log into your Chromebook at school. Do the tutorial that immediately loads. Begin filming and editing. For help, use the tutorials at WeVideo Academy, for example this one shows How To Record Video with Your Webcam Give yourself time for something to go wrong. Tech is glitchy but persevere and you will be proud of your result. if you need your video longer than 5 minutes, you'll have to make 2 videos separately: Part 1 and Part 2.
November 2019
AuthorThis is Ms. Gurthie's place for students at Piedmont and elsewhere to find resources to fuel their passions. Besides making fun lesson ideas for teachers, I wanted this space to provide PD for students too! Categories