Friday was 60s day for the 8th grade at Piedmont. If you've never had the pleasure of seeing modern teachers and students dressed as Outsiders characters, you should watch!
From the film:
"On Tuesday, September 20th, a police officer shot and killed Keith Scott, a father of seven who was waiting at his son's bus stop. That evening, our beloved city turned to chaos as many citizens demonstrated their anger and despair. On Wednesday, September 21st, a call was made to the Piedmont staff to come together to discuss our own fears and frustrations. Nineteen staff members showed up to dialogue over several important questions. Do we talk about it with our students? How do we talk about it? Do we all feel the same? Do we all feel comfortable talking about it? Do we even understand what is going on and why? And most importantly, "How do we become the role models and set the example for what we expect from our students?" Born out of this powerful discussion which produced passion, tears, and prayer came the kickstart of this video series. We knew that if we did nothing, our silence would speak louder than words. We needed to be the change we wanted to see in our students. We wanted to communicate the value of empathy and tolerance. We wanted students to know we cared, and they mattered. We wanted to teach them that, together, we could create a culture of positive and productive change. We wanted to teach them how to channel their emotions in times of crisis. So we present to you, "WE ARE PIEDMONT. THIS IS OUR IDENTITY."
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Related Post-Student Identities at Piedmont (video)
For the second year in a row, Piedmont was named an A+ school by the state of North Carolina. Our numbers and growth were very high because we don't just focus on the numbers. We focus on the students.
Not unrelated, Mrs. Barone was just named Central Region Prinicpal of the Year this morning in a surprise announcement. She was quick to give credit to all of us at Piedmont, and we certainly agree we are a great place, but one thing that sets Mrs. Barone apart is how she typifies the IB Learner Profile. Just take a look at the clever graphic Mrs. Gorman created and see how Mrs. Barone embodies each these traits, making her a great Principal. She says yes to our ideas, puts the brakes on what won't work for kids, asks the right questions, runs interference, translates, and disaggregates as needed, all while keeping Piedmont a fun place to be - for grown ups, for kids, and for all of us! Thanks, Mrs. Barone and Piedmont! Have a great year, everyone!
Celebrating Piedmont : a blog of Happy HappeningsCategories
December 2019
Author"Celebrating Piedmont" logs only a small fraction of the learning magic the teachers of CMS' Piedmont Middle School, an IB World School. create daily. In that sense, it is authored by all the staff and students of Piedmont. It is curated by Ms. Gurthie who can be reached at the icons above. She'll be happy to brag about Piedmont's teachers and students any chance she gets! Please note this blog has only just begun and we have so much to show off! Come back again soon! |