Many teachers here at Piedmont have used student-created movies to teach their content. Above are just two examples - a stop motion film of an scene from Seedfolks for Language arts and a video of a student created Minecraft Pyramid from Mrs. Kay's social studies Ancient Egypt unit. Try these lesson plans to get started
Our School Resources:
Recommended BYOT apps for movie making :
If using a shared ipad, you can upload and download the video as needed from Google Drive: (Sorry I ironically broke the cardinal rule of movie making - NEVER HOLD YOUR DEVICE LONGWAYS Learn from my mistake!) This video shows how to upload and share from your device This video shows how to turn in a video link for an assigment on Google Classroom
![]() Modern life is caught up in media. We receive both and good and bad messages from many different mediums: TV Movies, Social Media and other internet sources. One job of 21st century schooling is to teach students to be media savvy both in critically assessing what comes to them ("Fight the media!") and in being able to share their own clear positive message across different platforms for their "digital footprint" ("Don't fight the media!") With that in mind here are a few ways to integrate media messages into your content: Old School Meets New School Google Docs Newspaper Templates- Super easy now with Google Drive-- All students do to make a realistic newspaper is choose one of these templates while signed into google docs, then replace the "boilerplate" text and images with their own. done! More here New School Gets Even More Fresh: Social Media and Movie Making Mrs. Stevenson is chock full of amazing ideas to freshen up content. Her history classes are full of modern life. Steal the following ideas from her like I did:
Basically any content you cover in class can be used by students to create humorous, moving and informational Vines, movies, gifs...allow students to create their own messages and then share what makes the best ones work. Let students know that all art is deriviative and you can "steal" the best ideas and make them your own and even better! That is what is considered growth. Not only are they motivated to learn when they are creating, they will also learn important lessons about visual literacy and persuasion that will serve them in any career they choose! Related: |
Author I am Lisa Gurthie the PD facilitator at Piedmont IB Middle School. She specializes in tech and arts integration, interdisciplinary, holistic education, and unschooling school to make it more real and relevant. One day I will modernize my "about" page. Check out the other blogs on this site for Lesson Ideas, Celebration of Good Teaching, and Piedmont PD Archives
February 2021