Ready Made LessonsIn light of us going 1:1 at Piedmont, here is a great site with plenty of lessons on digital citizenship for your to reinforce with your students. If you want a subject-specific lesson, see Lisa Gurthie and she can run one or help you embed it into your curriculum. Select from one of these 10 topics then choose intermediate level for middle school lessons. 1. Defining digital citizenshipPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary 2. Basic ICT skillsPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary 3. Online safety, privacy and sharing Primary | Intermediate | Secondary 4. Copyright, copyleft & plagiarism Primary | Intermediate | Secondary5. Online relationshipsPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary 6. Online researchPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary 7. Critical thinkingPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary 8. Honesty, integrity and ethical behaviourPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary 9. Developing portfoliosPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary 10. Promoting digital citizenshipPrimary | Intermediate | Secondary Related Posts:
More Digital Citizenship Resources: The lesson 7th grade science uses to introduce Digital Citizenship with an emphasis on Website Assessment: Click the image to go to a list of great resources on the internet and privacy.
The days of teachers spouting simplistic short-sighted shortcuts like " No citing .com's -they are not respected academically" (shudder) or "Wikipedia can never be used for research" or even "there is nothing of academic value on Youtube" are thankfully over! This a lesson in credible sources relating it to real life scam awareness and digital citizenship on social media Lesson Plan: Game -Dig Cit Forced Choices- both in social media and in academics Have you ever copied and pasted - words? -images into a slideshow? Used an entire song? (show google search by usage rights) Started a project at the last minute? Used easybib or other auto citation generator? Did you see any drama this summer? You liked it? You spoke out against it? Favorite social media site is instagram? etc LOL'd at a Vine this summer? (which one?) Living Life Online magazine The lap giraffe -discuss scams the sugar glider - real life animal but site is not credible- purpose the tree octopus -discuss capow To prevent being scammed, go "CAPOW!" to knock out" a bad website. Unlike "Kaboom!", "CAPOW" is an acronym to remind you to check a site against other reputable sites and google for... C-CURRENCY- is the info on the site recent? has it been maintained? You can tell by the "look" of it, by dates it has been updated, etc, by googling the info to see if it has been adjusted etc. A-AUTHORITY- Is this website one from an authoritative institution? Is it peer reviewed? is it well respected source? Google the exact web address--what kinds of other sites refer to this site? P-PURPOSE- Is this site trying to inform, persuade, argue? If the site is trying to sell you something, be aware. O-OBJECTIVITY-Is this site covering all sides of the topic fairly? If not that is fine, you can still use it, but your research is not done-be sure to go to a site that supports other points of view. W-WRITING STYLE: Misspellings, poor grammar, slang, are all signs that a site is not academic or may be a scam or a trick by someone not educated. If it is sloppy, it may have errors in its info or thinking as well. LET's CAPOW these together right now in class: DHM0 -discuss not taking the site's word for it and the difference between a lie and a bias RYThospital -discuss not taking shortcuts
![]() Emoji, hashtag webpage or superhero summary Create your own emoji or Emoji Sentence or instagram hashtag summarizing the best advice of today. #checkyourselfbeforeyouwreckyourself Social Media and Digital Literacy for Online Consumers
Part 1- Getting Your Feet Wet (your Digital Footprint) ![]() Online your digital footprint is like a footprint in cement, not like water or sand! People WILL stalk your digital footprint and what you do never goes away. future schools future employers future sports teams parents of potential bofirends and girlfriends avoid negative and accentuate the positive better to not make the mess than to try to have to clean it up.-nothing is ever truly deleted (wayback machine, cache, screenshots, stolen passwords etc) Make sure that you are following digital citizenship guidelines so you can show off your best work as part of your digital footprint without a billl or a letter from a lawyer. Google image search, royalty free music etc. More in the Olympic section below
![]() Easiest way get the licensed images from Google Image Search- select SEARCH TOOLS under the search bar then select the tab "USAGE RIGHTS" and check LABELLED FOR REUSE PS Here are some interesting images that just went free -great educational potential if you are making your own textbook or having students write ebooks.… |
Author I am Lisa Gurthie the PD facilitator at Piedmont IB Middle School. She specializes in tech and arts integration, interdisciplinary, holistic education, and unschooling school to make it more real and relevant. One day I will modernize my "about" page. Check out the other blogs on this site for Lesson Ideas, Celebration of Good Teaching, and Piedmont PD Archives
February 2021