![]() ColAR is an Augmented Reality App. More info about AR, and how to make your own AR via Aurasma is at the bottom of this post. I first heard of Augmented Reality via ColarMix through Jill Thompson sharing Erin Klein's blog. I immediately downloaded the app and wanted to show it off. My goal was to use the "wow" factor of augmented reality for academic benefit. So here's what I did: We knew teachers had to read some dry but important district health and safety information each year. Our lead counselor wanted to make the material fun and our principal wanted to let teachers see a new tech tool in action. So we put the two activities together into a flipped lesson: Preparation:
Lesson Steps: 1. Have learners write a fact or symbol from the Info viewed independently at a previous time. Also, Students or teachers can arrive at the lesson with one boiled-down fact (to get a variety of facts you can divide the info into groups--example: say that grade 6 faculty needs a fact about X (topic or section) grade 7 fact about Y , grade 8...etc) 2.Distribute Augmented Reality coloring sheets (they look like plain color sheets) on tables plus crayons. 3. Allow Teachers/students to color the sheet and make sure to write their ONE FACT from the flipped lesson they've done on the designated location of the color sheet-- I will have those directions on the color sheet. 4. Share their facts with each other. 5.Group decide one color sheet to show per each table to demo. 6. Leader will demo the color sheet (I did this by scanning it to my iPad through the ColAR mix app and using the dongle to project it onto the smart board.) 7. The color sheet will magically transform into an animated movie that will also display the fact or symbol that is on the sheet wrote. Discuss as animation plays 8. Viewers will gasp in amazement and also remember the fact they are viewing. If using several color sheet designs in one lesson, he order that you show the ColAR Mix app sheets in may be important to you. For example if you show the little mouse, then show the hot air balloon next, the last mouse you made will appear in the basket of the balloon! So cute! You can make your own AR --more versatile anyway --with a free app called Aurasma more info here: http://www.kleinspiration.com/2013/05/using-augmented-reality-via-aurasma-in.html Clear steps how to use Aurasma http://www.technologytailgate.com/2013/07/how-to-use-augmented-reality-in.html Ready to think about even more uses: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/augmented-reality-apps-for-education/ That link didn't have enough AR for you? try this one http://www.teachthought.com/technology/32-augmented-reality-apps-for-the-classroom-from-edshelf/ Want a Complete clearinghouse of all things AR -cybraryman is the obsessive compulsive educator for you! http://cybraryman.com/augmentedreality.html Basics and definitions Via Erin Klein: - augmented reality: making something come to life- aura: the magic thing that pops up when you hold your device over something- trigger image: the picture you want to make cooler that is just normal (probably something from your camera roll or in your photos)- overlay: the thing you will apply on top of the trigger image (usually a video from your camera roll)- Aurasma: a free app to make augmented reality - See more at: http://www.kleinspiration.com/2013/05/using-augmented-reality-via-aurasma-in.html#sthash.Q5a1Sfbz.dpuf http://youtu.be/7G3H3ImCWlE
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Author I am Lisa Gurthie the PD facilitator at Piedmont IB Middle School. She specializes in tech and arts integration, interdisciplinary, holistic education, and unschooling school to make it more real and relevant. One day I will modernize my "about" page. Check out the other blogs on this site for Lesson Ideas, Celebration of Good Teaching, and Piedmont PD Archives
February 2021