10 meter towerIf I still had a classroom I'd show this short film on the first day. Works for psych, soc, or just as a discussion catalyst: ask students any of the following: Why do we decide what we do?
Which factors would influence you to jump or not jump? Which social or life situations would make factors become more important or more unimportant for some of us? (not wanting to disappoint others or ourselves, risk enjoyment, reputation preservation, getting paid, past good or bad experiences with water, risk, heights) Can we really know what we'd do for sure until we're looking down from that tower in our bathing suit? For what larger issues or situations could this work as a metaphor? (Good for higher order thinking as well as class building and learning to appreciate different thought processes as valid given different personality types) If last week a friend had told you they had an idea to make this movie, would you have encouraged them to do it or laughed at the idea? When have you had an idea that others didn't value? When have you thought something would be one way but it really turned out to be more (or less) than you imagined? What makes this film work for you or not work for you? Did the language difference affect your enjoyment of it? Why or why not? Did you identify with one of the people in the film? Who and why ? You'll learn about them, they'll learn about each other and think and offer reasons for their opinions plus learn a bit about themselves and society as well. them to do it or laughed at the idea? When have you had an idea that others didn't value? When have you thought something would be one way but it really turned out to be more (or less) than you imagined? What makes this film work for you or not work for you? Did the language difference affect your enjoyment of it? Why or why not? Did you identify with one of the people in the film? Who and why ? You'll learn about them, they'll learn about each other and think and offer reasons for their opinions plus learn a bit about themselves and society as well.
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Author I am Lisa Gurthie the PD facilitator at Piedmont IB Middle School. She specializes in tech and arts integration, interdisciplinary, holistic education, and unschooling school to make it more real and relevant. One day I will modernize my "about" page. Check out the other blogs on this site for Lesson Ideas, Celebration of Good Teaching, and Piedmont PD Archives
February 2021