"A Ghost-Walk is a campus or classroom visit to an empty space where the participants simply make note of what they see and/or don't see in relation to a focus question or specified categories." from http://principalblogs.typepad.com/leadertalk/2007/09/ghost-walks-for.html The purpose of this experience is not so much for the benefit of person whose room is being toured, but for each visitor to glean something valuable from FOCUSED tour of the room. For this ghost walk, our focus question will be: "What would I know about this class from looking around this room?" Think about this question both as a teacher, and as a student. Even if you spend time in your coworker's classroom regularly, viewing the room with a purpose will reveal new ideas. It is important to remember that the purpose of this walk is NOT to judge the value of what you see for that person's teaching but to merely "notice and note" and think about YOUR OWN teaching. Procedure:
Eventually we hope to be able to do an instructional walk in every room in the building but will follow Ms. Barone's emailed schedule of rooms for this first round. Piedmont's ILT members did this activity during a tour of Marie G. Davis and found that each classroom had something of value to us as the "Ghost"
Our IB Webinar course is now available on MyTalent! Register before 1/31 for "Lit 497 Piedmont IB training." Course number 428936 Follow these steps: First, Login to MyTalent The following summary of PL is based heavily on the great work of the CMS PL department at pl.cmslearns.org who created the walk through and look-fors poster that inspired this http://pl.cmslearns.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/IT_PL_Classroom-Look-Fors_Poster_11x17.pdf Personalized Learning classrooms Are |
AuthorThis blog is a compendium of District and Piedmont -specific PD opportunities, trainings, and notes. Archives
November 2019